Monday, November 24, 2008

Fighting Obfuscation

I am often confused, bewildered, or stupefied... basically I am the everlasting prey of obfuscation.

Right now a Harry Potter spell keeps coming to mind... "Stupify!" And then there is this image of me, immobile with a look on my face that belies a total inability to function.

Right now, I need to make calls and set up appointments to go sell my wares to natural foods and tourist stores. However, I've managed procrastinate this long by thinking I needed to wait until my brochure was done or until some vendor came to me or whatever... I could confuse this issue for so long that I forget I have a business to grow. I have even convinced myself that it is imperative that I get another blog post done!

To counter obfuscation, I try a number of tactics in my life: The million-post-it-note-march on my bed table worked only so long as the post-its did not have to stand atop each other to command attention. The same problem was seen on my computer screen which used to host an array of post-its with various 'don't forget' items on them. That too was limited in efficacy because of my personal ability to just begin to tune things out.

I have a theory that if I didn't procrastinate so much, my mind wouldn't be so muddled. But since I cannot manage to stop the procrastination cycle, I am unable to figure out if things would seem clearer with an otherwise less confusing stance on getting things done. As a matter of fact, this whole theory is confused by the muddled presentation used to describe my theory on bewilderment.

In the end, this post has no meaning, no insight and no reason. I am merely giving voice to the confusion in my head and thinking that maybe someone will magically appear and come to my aid. Running a business seems to be about either overcoming deficiencies in order to be successful or finding someone who has complementary deficiencies. I'm hoping for the latter as the former seems unreasonable given that not a single thought of mine comes out simply.


Salina said...

I am also trying to build my buiness. I tell you that is it wasnt for my daily planner I would remember a thing with three young children. I run around like a chicken with its head cut off! I beleive that with everyone going green and wanted safer products for their families and home It will be a success as long as I dont become a pro at procrastination!

Omalley Ehren Abel said...

What kind of business?